Archive for Baltimore art

Good things

Posted in musings with tags , , on February 25, 2013 by askthesky

So many good things, and today I choose to focus on them instead of how very, very much I would love to have more than 5 hours of sleep in one stretch.

  • Violet Ruth was baptized at our church (the one where we met, the one where I work), and I was unprepared for how much of a difference that would make.  I got choked up, Mark got a little choked up, and many members commented that they felt lucky to be a part of it.  Plus, she was super-adorbs:



I just love that photo of my nephew leaning in to kiss “his” baby.  😉


  • I recently spent some sweet Amazon gift cards on a Project Life kit (watch the video over there, it’s too cute).  I’m pretty jazzed about this concept, as a former scrapbooker who got burnt out and nearly went to the poorhouse.  I like the simplicity (and lower cost!) of this system.  I ordered my first round of prints from Costco, and as soon as they come, I’ll have Sage help me add them to the binder.  
  • Some crafty Baltimore friends of mine are opening a cool shop/studio space in Highlandtown called Baltimore Threadquarters.  If you support the fiber arts in this town, and have some pocket change to donate, you can visit the link to check out their Indiegogo site.
  • Along similar lines, my friend Chris has opened a new retail/studio space above the best yarn shop EVAH.  She’s got all sorts of lovely things, including many awesome buttons, which I stocked up on, but also fleece, roving, spinning supplies, finished knitted and crocheted work, and size OMG crochet hooks.  And take my word for it, they are ZOMG big.  Sage and I had a delightful time visiting on opening day this past Saturday.  Check it out next time you’re in Hampden.