Archive for the crafting Category

Just call me Maria von Trapp

Posted in crafting, musings on March 8, 2013 by askthesky

Or, if you’re old school, Heather vonCraft, like that one weather bunny once did on the news.  That was so funny.

I made some car trash receptacles on Wednesday, the “snow” day.  It did snow, for five or six minutes, and my big kids got to really play in it for the first time ever.  Up until now, I couldn’t afford yearly snow pants and boots, so when the hand-me-downs dried up, so did the snow play.  That, and also we haven’t gotten any decent snow in Baltimore since the blizzard.  So that was fun.

In the meantime, encouraged by my hubbyhubbers, I took over the kitchen table to do some sewing whilst he cared for the youngest babychild.  Who, by the way, gets cuter by the nanosecond.  Proof, you say?  Oh, alright.  I’ll include a poorly shot cell phone video of my baby doing almost nothing and yet cracking me up, sure.

So anyway!  I made these trash cans for the car out of some fabric.  Danny’s was made out of the bottoms of the curtains that hang in our living room and bedroom (hence the title of this here posty-poo).  I just lopped them off and re-hemmed them when I bought them (from Target), and saved the bottoms, which were medium-weight cotton.  Not quite canvas, but tough and thicker than broadcloth.

Danny’s is in his car, so maybe I’ll update the post with a photo of that one later.  But!  I couldn’t wait to show you mine!  I’m totally gonna marry it.  Before:


Oh, dear.  That was AWFUL.



Now, if I could just vacuum the floor, it might be presentable.  I used this tutorial for the pattern, although I made a couple of changes to this second one- Danny’s version, I followed the pattern exactly, except I sewed the lining to the outer bag after pinning it (I think the author of the tutorial might have forgotten that, or maybe I didn’t copy it into my own directions- probably the latter).  This one, I pieced the two fabrics for the front, because I only had quarter yards (skinny ones, not fat quarters), and I love them together so very much.  These were from Hobby Lobby- sidenote: Hobby Lobby has cute fabric!  Who knew?

I also changed the inner liner on both of them.  The tutorial calls for Pellon, which I didn’t have, so I used cardboard for Danny’s liner, and a manilla folder for my own.  I would have used the light cardboard for both, but we don’t really eat much food that comes in those cereal-box-weight-boxes (which, AWESOME, but no boxes like that lying about).  The folder worked great, though, I just stapled it:



IMG_4034Now, I have to make one for the back seat, since the kids have an awful bag-on-the-floor, too…

I do still make things…

Posted in crafting, super fun for little one with tags , , , on March 1, 2013 by askthesky

Here’s a little  sampling of baby things I’ve made since I went on bed rest in October.

031This is my version of the Puerperium- here’s the details.

Baby in the sweater (I also did this bonnet, but no pattern- I just crocheted a T shape to fit her head, then seamed the back and added a little picot border.  I need a better photo of it, then I’ll add it to Ravelry):

IMG_3942A teeny, sparkly hat (this one no longer fits, but it was the only one that did fit for about 2 months…):

IMG_3758No pattern link for that, I just measured her head and my gauge and winged it.  It’s handy to have the baby attached to you at all times for this method of hat (or any garment) making.

On to booties! Details here.



More recently, I’ve done this hat, from my own Mission Hat pattern.  It’s gotten loads of compliments, I just love this design.

IMG_3982I’m still using my old stash Mission Falls cotton for these, but I’m running out of color combos I enjoy… the company went out of business recently who made this yarn.  I’ve found blue sky alpacas organic cotton to be nice for these, but it’s definitely bigger, even though it’s technically worsted.  I had to adjust my needle size and change the pattern a little to get a similar result.  Still working on editing the pattern to include these changes.




Kindness instead of fairness

Posted in crafting, musings on February 27, 2013 by askthesky

This week in church, we’re reading the Parable of the Prodigal Son.  You’re probably somewhat familiar with it- the younger son asks for his inheritance early, the father grants this request, and the younger son bounds off and wastes it all on extravagant living.  The older son meanwhile, stays behind and works obediently for his father.  When the younger son returns, he’s greeted by a father overcome with joy, who then plans a huge feast in his honor.  You can almost see the older son sulking in a corner at this party, right?  He’s pissed, and rightfully so.  But I was reading on another site that what we don’t usually focus on is the issue of fairness vs. kindness (love).  The father would have treated the younger son differently if he was being fair, but clearly he was blinded by love.  Showering his son in a welcome that only a parent could give.

Then, this morning, I read this post by Abby Glassenberg about those idiots (sorry, patrons) who come to your booth at the craft fair and loudly proclaim to their friend, “Carrrrrol, you could TOTALLY make this for like ONE PENNY.  Can you believe they want $34 for this?!?!” as you quietly plot their deaths via random craft implements you’re holding.  Seriously, after a whole day of people like this, it can feel that extreme.  So, the post hit home with me.  The problem I’m having is that the would-be copycats don’t have any interest in actually DOING the thing I’m doing.  They will not go home and meticulously copy my design- they’ll likely never think of me or my product again.  So why confront them?  How would I do it with kindness and love rather than seeming like some sort of superhero of defensiveness?

No, really, I’m asking.

PILE OF CRAFT 2012! Wooot!

Posted in Baltimore love, charm city craft mafia, crafting, crafty reads with tags , , on March 15, 2012 by askthesky
Charm City Craft Mafia is looking for the country’s best and most unique crafters for this year’s PILE OF CRAFT indie craft fair!
Pile of Craft 2012 will be held at 2640 St Paul Street in the lovely Charles Village neighborhood of Baltimore.
In it’s 6th year, Pile of Craft will feature over 40 independent artists: stitchers, knitters, printers, painters, sculptors, jewelers, weavers, photographers, makers and doers.
Booth spaces are 8′ by about 5′ and it’s an indoor show – which means rain or shine – Your crafts will look great and stay safe!
Food trucks, coffee, music, good people and lots of balloons.

(Want to see what the fuss is about? CLICK HERE for photos of past shows).
Think you’ve got a fun & funky product that would fit our aesthetic?


So, I have this new business…

Posted in charm city craft mafia, crafting, musings, super fun for little one with tags , , , , , , , on March 5, 2012 by askthesky

…with my friend Julia!  It’s called Meep!Craft, and we make things for babies and mamas and all kinds of other happy people out of “upcycled” clothing.  This is a fancy way of saying that we take donated clothing, shirts and pants and skirts that are sad and forgotten, and give them new life!  It’s pretty fun, and good for the earth, too!  There’s a line of lunchbox products that are perfect for Primal/Paleo snacks! If you’re in need of a baby gift, a pretty pick-me-up for yourself, or some eco-friendly housewares, check it out!



It’s beginning to look a lot like…

Posted in crafting, musings, super fun for little one on December 23, 2010 by askthesky

Christmas in our house, a photo montage.


Posted in Baltimore love, charm city craft mafia, crafting on November 30, 2010 by askthesky

Oh wait, what I meant to say was this:











Also, check out this nice series of profiles Kathy wrote for our blog!  Come Saturday, bearing coffee with lots of sugar and soy milk, and I will give you ten free hugs.  No small print on that, friends.

POC 2010, coming soon!

Posted in Baltimore love, charm city craft mafia, crafting, musings on May 26, 2010 by askthesky

Pile of Craft, it’s one of my favorite days of the year- indie crafters uniting under one roof to present their babies to the general public, enjoy each other’s company, and hopefully, make enough money to bring the next generation of babies into the world.

Here’s where you can find all the details.  Hope to see you there!!

time, time, time… see what’s become of me?

Posted in crafting, life in general, musings on May 3, 2010 by askthesky

When I think I don’t have enough time, I usually do everything in my power to spend what little extra time I do manage to find doing something that I enjoy.  Lately, this has meant talking on the phone.  A lot.

Well, there’s gonna be some space freed up there, and tonight is night one of more free time.  So.  I have an afghan repair job that sucks all the joy right outta life, the usual household list- laundry, cooking prep, dishes, lunch making- and several baby presents that aren’t going to finish themselves.  What do I choose?  To write a blog post, and stare wistfully at the nearly-due library books on my bedside table (suitcase), alongside my languishing sock that was begun when it was actually cold outside (today in Baltimore it was about 90 degrees).

But, there’s nothing I like less than when people complain on their blogs about silly things we all certainly deal with all. the. time.

SO!  Some things I’ve done recently that were full of the awesome:

1. Planted a community garden at church:

2.  (not in order, cause whatevs)

Spent time with one of my most favoritest people ever:

3.  Made a super cute baby sweater (which I’m teaching at Lovelyarns soon!):

4. Stumbled upon this super rainbow in the backyard:

5. Got this amazing photo of my babies (it’s a few years old) that I cannot stop looking at, from the kids’ aunt Sylvia (and it’s copyrighted, so don’t be swiping):

…and there’s lots more awesomeness to come.  I can feel it.  Let’s go.

Thanks, Supa!

Posted in bloggin mamas, crafting, life in general, super fun for little one on January 18, 2010 by askthesky

I was honored to be interviewed by my long-lost (although I know she loves her new city!) friend Mary Beth of Supafine fame for an article she wrote at Meylah about balancing kids and creative work.

And just to juxtapose this perfectly…  I’ve been passing this post over at Illuminated Mind on to every creative person I know- I think there is a lot to be said for going with your creative urges, even if it means being out of balance for a time.  If you’ve been to my house, you know that I’m much more likely to spend hours working on a creative project than keeping my house perfectly clean.  I’m more likely to spend hours on anything, actually.  Even dental work.

Well, maybe not dental work.

Here’s a gratuitous photo of poor Sage, who broke her arm in 5 places this past Monday, trying to hurry down from the top bunk.  We’re still fine-tuning the design for her cast embellishment.